* [Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak "Flatten the Curve, Grow the Care", contribution to Arts Catalyst's "The server is down, the bridge washes out, there is a power blackout", in *Journal of Visual Cultures/Harun Farocki Institut*, August 26, 2020](https://www.harun-farocki-institut.org/en/2020/08/26/the-server-is-down-the-bridge-washes-out-there-is-a-power-blackout-journal-of-visual-culture-hafi-39-2/)
* [Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak: "Care and Its Discontents", New Alphabet School, June 7, 2020](https://newalphabetschool.hkw.de/care-and-its-discontents/)
* [Tomislav Medak: "Neoliberalna bajanja ostat će neduhovita šala", interviewed by Ivana Perić, H-Alter, March 23, 2020](http://www.h-alter.org/vijesti/neoliberalna-bajanja-ostat-ce-neduhovita-sala)
* [Pirate Care: "Taking Care of Unconditional Solidarity", interviewed by Hana Sirovica, Kulturpunkt.hr, March 8, 2020](https://www.kulturpunkt.hr/content/taking-care-unconditional-solidarity)
* [Pirate Care: "Njegovati bezuvjetnu solidarnost", interviewed by Hana Sirovica, Kulturpunkt.hr, March 6, 2020](https://www.kulturpunkt.hr/content/njegovati-bezuvjetnu-solidarnost)
* [CRIC - Festival of Critical Culture: "Of Fragility, Disposability, Brittleness: Capitalist Abandonment and Care", a talk by Tomislav Medak, June 25, 2020](https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=198771758084988&ref=watch_permalink)
* [RadicalXChange conference: "Caring as an Act of Resistance, a panel with Cassie Thornton, Tomislav Medak and Elsa James, moderated by Marc Garrett, June 19, 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF8Yd0ELqDI)
* [Aksioma: Tactics and Practice / MoneyLab 8: "Care: Solidarity and Disobedience", a panel with Cassie Thornton, Tomislav Medak and Maddalena Fragnito, moderated by Davor Mišković, June 1, 2020](https://aksioma.org/moneylab8/)
* [Kunsthalle Wien: “Pirate Care”, a talk by Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak, moderated by Andrea Hubin (KW), May 14, 2020](https://kunsthallewien.at/en/event/pirate-care-ein-talk-mit-valeria-graziano-marcell-mars-and-tomislav-medak/)
* [Venice Climate Camp, Webinar “Covid19 e crisi climatica”, with POE (Politics, Ontologies and Ecology); Raul Zibechi; Enrique Leff; Elena Gerebizza (Re:Common); Stefania Barca; Valeria Graziano e Tomislav Medak (Pirate Care); Shell Must Fall and Ende Gelände, May 2, 2020](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdvH4tPHvBJ-gY_m9rAacAGOBDJ-8csQc)
* [Podcast with Valeria Graziano & Kitty Worthing (Docs not Cops), Global Staffroom Lunchtime Live Podcast | Manual Labours, April 27, 2020](http://www.manuallabours.co.uk/todo/the-global-staffroom/) [Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/sophiehope-1/global-staffroom-270420-with-pirate-care-and-docs-not-cops)
* [Discussion by Pirate.Care, with Emina Bužnikić, Iva Marčetić and Ana Vilenica, Versopolis Review - Festival of Hope, April 27, 2020](https://www.versopolis.com/festival-of-hope/festival-of-hope/913/pirate-care-and-the-covid-19-pandemic), available also as an [e-book](https://www.versopolis.com/multimedia/ebook/1009/what-was-happening-here-was-never-normal-anyway#ebook)
* [The Radical Housing Jounral Editorial Collective: "Covid-19 and housing struggles: The (re)makings of austerity, disaster capitalism, and the no return to normal"](https://radicalhousingjournal.org/2020/covid-19-and-housing-struggles/)
* [The Care Collective: "COVID-19 pandemic: A Crisis of Care", Versobooks blog, March 26, 2020](https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4617-covid-19-pandemic-a-crisis-of-care)