diff --git a/content/session/techandcorona.md b/content/session/techandcorona.md index ccd6c3c..c0542dc 100644 --- a/content/session/techandcorona.md +++ b/content/session/techandcorona.md @@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ A key example from Italy took place at the Chiari Hospital (Brescia), which had [(ITA) Coronavirus, a Brescia manca una valvola per i rianimatori: ingegneri e fisici la stampano in 3D in sei ore](https://it.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-manca-la-valvola-per-uno-strumento-di-rianimazione-e-noi-la-stampiamo-in-3d-accade-nellospedale-di-chiari-brescia/) [Discussion thread on the fb group 'Fabber in Italia' initiated by Zoe Romano]( https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=fabber%20in%20italia&epa=SEARCH_BOX) +Other Makers resources: +- [Coronavirus Tech Handbook](https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/) - A crowdsourced resource for technologists building things related to the coronavirus outbreak. +- [Hackers and Hospitals](https://libreplanet.org/wiki/HACKERS_and_HOSPITALS) +- [Open Source Italian Platform to share info and support for the emercengy](https://www.covid19italia.help/) # The problem with working online @@ -117,10 +121,7 @@ Here is a reflection from a teacher on the rush to move all teaching online: - The [Digital Solidarity Networks](https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/digital-solidarity-networks) has been collating a shared listing of tools, practices and readings for digital solidarity and conviviality. - [Solidarity infrastructure for solidarity actions](https://www.systemli.org/en/2020/03/15/solidarity-as-infrastructure.html) -- [Coronavirus Tech Handbook](https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/) - A crowdsourced resource for technologists building things related to the coronavirus outbreak. -- [Hackers and Hospitals](https://libreplanet.org/wiki/HACKERS_and_HOSPITALS) -- [Open Source Italian Platform to share info and support for the emercengy](https://www.covid19italia.help/) -- [Open Wiki to map, connect and organize information channels, solidarity and social cooperation](https://viralsolidarity.org/doku.php?id=start) +- [Viral Solidarity. Open Wiki to map, connect and organize information channels, solidarity and social cooperation, ITA](https://viralsolidarity.org/doku.php?id=start) - [Open source medical supplies FB group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/670932227050506/) - [Ultimate Medical Hackathon: How Fast Can We Design And Deploy An Open Source Ventilator?, by Hackaday](https://hackaday.com/2020/03/12/ultimate-medical-hackathon-how-fast-can-we-design-and-deploy-an-open-source-ventilator/) - [Biohackers team up online to help develop coronavirus solutions](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/18/biohacking-online-forums-coronavirus-vaccines-testing)