diff --git a/content/session/throughafeministlens.md b/content/session/throughafeministlens.md index 09dcfd7..a321862 100644 --- a/content/session/throughafeministlens.md +++ b/content/session/throughafeministlens.md @@ -119,3 +119,5 @@ For a broader introduction to the many issues connected with care labour, you ca - [Safeguarding women’s rights during Covid-19 shutdown, by Gender Links](https://genderlinks.org.za/news/safeguarding-womens-rights-during-the-covid-19-shutdown/) - [Don’t abandon us, LGBTQI refugees say, from the African Human Rights Media Network](https://76crimes.com/2020/03/20/dont-abandon-us-lgbtqi-refugees-say/) - [L’emergenza di prendersi cura di noi: risorse online al tempo di Covid-19, by Chayn Italia (ITA)](https://www.che-fare.com/chayn-donne-covid-cura/) +- [In Focus: Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response](https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/in-focus-gender-equality-in-covid-19-response) A series of documents and resources prepared by UN Women on the importance to address the pandemia from a gender perspective. +