--- title: "BioTRANSLab" mentioned_in: ["/topic/transhackfeminism.md"] --- # Concept and Context Biotranslab. Bio.electro.chemistry and their intra active entanglements. Bio-trans-lab, conceived and coordinated by Paula Pin from Pechblendalab[^1], is one of the multiple disruptive nodes of Hackteria[^2], is a nomadic laboratory open to experimentation with the body and technology, based on the proposal to learn by doing. As a queer transhackfeminist science laboratory (s), this lab seeks the opening of a particular space-time, a place for the confluence of cyber-cyborgs, cyberwitches and alchemists. An invitation to experiment and be traversed by the practical experience of noiSEX disturbance, DIWO or DIT tools, fluids and non-static bodies. It is precisely this extended and non-static body, the tentacular, becoming the condition of possibility to be crossed by the performativity of matter, moving us beyond mere individuality, performing science through collective doings. Starting from the review of evolutionary biology in the contemporary context, the origin of life is understood here as a turbulence of fluids, a metaphor of the new biosophies of collision, friction and symbiosis of entities. One of the biotranslab proposals is to think of us as a constantly changing subject, multiple existences that are no longer defined and do not focus on the division between object and subject. A configuration of other possible narratives that no longer conform to the binarism inherited from modern Western culture. We flow and become, change and tans-form (c) tion, we are the constant re-articulation of complex entities, of uncertain transits and bio-processes, we are meta-organic entities, degenerate post.formations, we are the negation of the pre-existence through the traces that leave the desire and the affections. # Open Science Friction Affections that propose an Open Science Friction as Pin feel it as a set of noises, a sound disturbance against the systemic reductionism of the science, the collective articulation of a degenerated existence. In this context, the lab is understood as a collective ritual of fluids, an entanglement of bodies, devices, codes, frequencies and waves. BioTRANSlab is entangled in Open Science Friction, a biohacker perspective that conceives knowledge from the experience of the body, an expression and transformation of the inherited self, a distancing of individuality through friction and connection. # Performance of knowledge This performance of knowledge (Karen Barad) is for Pin essentially the process of learning by doing, the body is rubbing with other agencies and through which are constantly made changes that modify the results, which involves a constant flow through the cracks of space-time. A fermentation, a movement of transit that moves quickly towards an explosive and expansive movement, towards radical experiments, towards a strong collective confidence. It moves in the attempt to escape from the biopolitical codes that hold our body(s) to relate in a different way, to re-articulate an open ecosystem, beyond the anthropocentric paradigm. An expanded soul-searching of free technologies, situated knowledge, biopunk, cyborg_witches, hardware, software and wetware. [^1]: Pechblenda lab is a interdisciplinary lab for reserch into bio-electrical-chemical devices, originally started by members Pin, Klau and Julito. Pechblenda lab was born out of the necessity to generate a space in Calafou (a community in a large former industrial space 50 Km out of Barcelona – see: calafou.org) for us to flourish, a non-patriarchal TransHackFeminist space where free knowledge springs from raw experimentation (electronic repairs, experiments with turbines, bioelectrochemistry, sound .... ) and self education. [^2]: Hackteria is a webplatform, network and collection of Open Source Biological Art Projects instigated in 2009 with the aim of developing a wiki-based web resource for people interested in or developing projects that involve bioart, open source software/hardware, DIY biology, art/science collaborations and electronic experimentation.