diff --git a/content/session/assistingpeopleinisolation.md b/content/session/assistingpeopleinisolation.md index 0dc6847..92420e6 100644 --- a/content/session/assistingpeopleinisolation.md +++ b/content/session/assistingpeopleinisolation.md @@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ images: ["/topic/coronanotes/care_curve.jpg"] *Ovaj dokument dostupan je na Hrvatskom: ![](session:hr.assistingpeopleinisolation.md)* -*Questo documento ha una versione in italiano: ![](session:it.assistingpeopleinisolation.md)* - # Rationale for organising assistance The most significant thing people can do to reduce the virus spread and the mortality is to practice avoid close contact (2 meters distance in closed spaces, 1 meter in open air), working from home and home isolation. People belonging to at-risk groups (over 60 years of age and/or suffering from chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and heart diseases, high or low blood pressure, diabetes, lung or immune system diseases), should not leave their home. People who have recently travelled, or people who have onset symptoms, and are advised or ordered to go into isolation, have to stay at home and avoid contact with others. In many places, as lock-down measures are introduced, everyone else, who doesn't have a duty to go to work, should remain at home and leave only to do necessary purchases. Thereby we lower the risk of further significant spread.